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Welcome to the New Kuzo Eye Care Website!

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We’re proud to announce the launch of our brand new website.

The site was designed with you in mind and is chock-full of several useful features.

It’s now easier than ever to make an appointment, download patient forms, view current specials and promotions, and learn about the many products and services we offer at our optometric office in York.

Plus, you now have the option of viewing the website on your desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet without losing any functionality. The site simply adapts to the screen you’re using.

We hope you enjoy using the new website and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

Written by Kuzo Eye Care

Kuzo Eye Care offers comprehensive eye care services and in-demand lenses and frames to York and the surrounding communities. Request an appointment or call 717-470-0650 to connect and access the quality of vision care you deserve.

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